The Power To Get it Done
When Bank of America’s launched its “Power To” brand campaign they wanted to go beyond a big national :30 spot. So we created a series of targeted videos that deliver a range of messages, all to different audiences. I mean, a LOT of videos. All based on real insights, truths, needs and behaviors.
Director: The Coles
DP: Daniel Bombell
ECD: Sue DeSilva
CD/CW: Dan Cordella
ACD/Art: Krissy Andrews
ACD/Copy: Larry Fahey
Director: The Coles
DP: Daniel Bombell
ECD: Sue DeSilva
CD/CW: Dan Cordella
ACD/Art: Tanya Bechara
ACD/Copy: Carly Drown
Director: The Coles
DP: Daniel Bombell
ECD: Sue DeSilva
CD/CW: Dan Cordella
ACD/Art: Krissy Andrews
ACD/Copy: Larry Fahey
Director: Emmett Malloy
DP: Niles Harrison
ECD: Sue DeSilva
CD/CW: Dan Cordella
ACD/Art: Krissy Andrews
ACD/Copy: Larry Fahey